It’s been a long time since I have written any content on my blog. I would like to reignite my love for writing technical blogs again and so starting off with something that I am currently exploring.

I have been learning Snowflake and just going to share some basics on what you can do with this cloud-based data storage and analytic service. Would not bore with introductions or any theory on how it works, I would jump into some basics on how you upload data into your cloud storage using the web console of Snowflake.

(Please note that Snowflake does gives you a 30 days of trial access to their services with limitation on amount data and storage you can use which is good enough to get some hands on with this platform. Just google for ‘Snowflake trial’ and it will take you to the right page to get started.)

With no further ado lets get started with a quick look at data upload on Snowflake via webconsole.

Login to your Snowflake web console, where you might have a Database or create a Demo DB as I have in my screen below.

I am to use my ‘DEMO_DB’, and create a table named ‘EMP’. To do this you will have to go to the ‘Worksheet’ tab that would allow you run your queries. Again a lot should be self explored before you try this and most of it are easy and intuitive.

create or replace table emp (
first_name string ,
last_name string ,
email string ,
streetaddress string ,
city string ,
start_date date

Come back to the Database tab and click on your database ‘Demo_DB’ and then you see your ‘EMP’ table under it. Clicking on the table should take you to details and list of fields in the table. Then you see the option to upload data “Load table”.

Clicking on it should take you through following steps:

Create a file format if one does not exist with following options:

Click on ‘Load’ once all the steps are done:

And this shows up as success in load:

My sample data for your reference from EMployee2.csv file:

Lets query the data and look for the sample data uploaded. Please note that for small amount of data the Web console is ok, but for larger files it is advised to upload via the Snowflake CLI (SnowSQL command line) which I would try covering my next write up. Thank you!